Hi there!
Greetings, Vincent Chew here.
BIG Welcome to my humble blog and yes its very empty, like literally. But hopefully I be posting something interesting in the near future.
Currently i am training at PJ BJJ (Petaling Jaya Brazillian Jiu Jitsu Club) founded back in 2008 by Janson Lee and Tirmizi Y. "mandeng". They had a passion for BJJ and a vision to form an affordable and accessible BJJ training group for Malaysians.
Basically the club is not a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) club and focused on the sports and self defense aspect of Brazilian
No emphasis on competitions and a simple philosophy of training BJJ during our spare time to relax. Location is at Ding's Martial Art Gym, 5 mins walk from Kelana Jaya LRT. More info right here http://pjjiujitsu.blogspot.com/p/about-us.html
I joined back in 2013 but only started to be consistently attending weekly training in 2014, and i am glad i did because inconsistency in training really slows down your learning and progression.
Contents that I wanna share here is simple, anything and everything that can further enhance the health, well being of YOU as a person in the sports of BJJ that the little I can offer and able to find out, I want you to know too.
It is also a platform where information and views of you out there are able to be offered to benefit someone out there that may need your help. You know, topics like which gym your joining, MMA, self defense, nutrition, how you deal with injuries etc etc.
OK I stop right now. Hopefully i start to post something good soon.
Cheers and keep on rollin' baby!!! Stay safe.
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